
Laguna de la Veguilla

Castilla la Mancha  >  Spain

Shallow wetland that is a great place for watching birds. Especially the Marmelente.

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Zuletzt aktualisiert 13 Januar 2024


The Laguna de la Veguilla near Alcazar de San Juan is part of the Lagunas de Alcázar, a cluster of shallow wetlands made up of three consecutive shallow lakes extending for about five kilometres between Alcázar de San Juan and Villafranca de los Caballeros. The closest to Alcázar town is Laguna de La Veguilla, which usually is the hotspot for the whole area. The lagoon is set within an agricultural landscape of vineyards, olive trees and some irrigation fields. Rosaflamingo can be seen all year round (if the water levels allow). Sometimes a Zwergflamingo joins the flocks. Weißkopf-Ruderente and Purpurhuhn breed in the area and can be seen during all year at La Veguilla. Other breeders are Kolbenente, Stelzenläufer and Zwergtaucher. La Veguilla is a very good place to see Marmelente. Also Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe, Nachtigall, Spießflughuhn and Rohrweihe can be observed. The reedbeds hold Schilfrohrsänger, Mariskenrohrsänger, Drosselrohrsänger, Rohrschwirl, Bartmeise, Beutelmeise, Rohrammer, and Seidensänger. And Blaukehlchen during winter. In winter you can also see good numbers of wildfowl and Kranich also often visit the area.


Espagnol: Buen lugar para disfrutar. En especial de la cerceta pardilla.



Alcázar de San Juan is by the CM-42 highway and the national road, N-420 goes through the town, making access easy by car from Madrid in about 1h 30 min. Is also linked by railway to Madrid, Albacete, Ciudad Real and Jaén. Laguna de La Veguilla has several bird hides accessed by the first dirt track on the right as you take the road CM-400 from Alcázar de San Juan to Villafranca de los Caballeros, about 300 m after exiting the roundabout.


Espagnol: Alcázar de San Juan se encuentra junto a la carretera CM-42 y la carretera nacional N-420 atraviesa el pueblo, facilitando el acceso en coche desde Madrid en aproximadamente 1h 30 min. También está comunicado por ferrocarril con Madrid, Albacete, Ciudad Real y Jaén. La Laguna de La Veguilla tiene varios observatorios de aves a los que se accede por la primera pista de tierra a la derecha tomando la carretera CM-400 de Alcázar de San Juan a Villafranca de los Caballeros, unos 300 m después de salir de la rotonda.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , Schilfflächen


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