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This important wetland and World Birding Biosphere Reserve is superb for birdwatching. Next to the many birdspecies also very interesting for flora.
Srebarna Nature Reserve was declared a World Birding Biosphere Reserve in 1977. UNESCO granted the status of World Heritage Site in 1985. The reserve is a freshwater lake adjacent to the Danube and extending over 600 ha. It is the breeding ground of almost 100 species of birds, many of which are rare or endangered. Some 80 other bird species migrate and seek refuge there every winter. An oasis in a mainly agricultural area with a number of exceptional species that are bound to water. It has the only breeding colonies of two important species in Bulgaria, Dalmatian Pelican and Glossy Ibis. You can also see Great White Pelican and many other birds like Black-crowned Night Heron, Purple Heron, Eurasian Spoonbill, Squacco Heron and White-tailed Eagle.
On the West side is a decent path which can be walked. Access is less obvious on the east side. But you can easily get to the Danube. Nice walk.
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