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Unmissable site for birdwatching in the Gulf of Morbihan with 10km of trails, 8 observatories spread over two trails.
The largest marsh in the Gulf of Morbihan, the nature reserve covers 530 hectares made up of a mosaic of mud flats, marshes, coastal lagoons and meadows. Favorable environments for many nesting birds: Avocet , Black-winged Stilt , Common Tern , Common Redshank , Bluethroat , Grasshopper Warbler Eurasian Skylark. The nature reserve also serves as a migratory stopover, resting place and feeding place for very many species of shorebirds: Eurasian Spoonbill , Black-tailed Godwit , Spotted Redshank , Water Rail , Curlew Sandpiper , Common Ringed Plover , Dunlin, Ruff , Common Kingfisher , Grey Plover , Mediterranean Gull. And wintering species such as Northern Shoveler , Northern Pintail , Eurasian Wigeon , Common Teal , European Golden Plover , Northern Lapwing. And also many raptors: Western Marsh Harrier , Osprey , Eurasian Hobby , Peregrine Falcon (in winter).
Français: Site incontournable pour l'observation des oiseaux du golfe du Morbihan avec 10km de sentiers, 8 observatoires répartis sur deux sentiers (gratuit et payant). Plus grands marais du golfe du Morbihan, la réserve naturelle s'étend sur 530 hectares constitués d'une mosaïque de vasières, marais, lagunes côtières et prairies. Milieux favorables pour beaucoup d'oiseaux nicheurs : Avocet , Black-winged Stilt , Common Tern , Common Redshank , Bluethroat , Grasshopper Warbler Eurasian Skylark ... La réserve naturelle sert aussi de halte migratoire, de reposoir et de lieu d'alimentation à de très nombreuses espèces de limicoles Eurasian Spoonbill , Black-tailed Godwit , Spotted Redshank , Water Rail , Curlew Sandpiper , Common Ringed Plover , Dunlin, Ruff , Common Kingfisher , Grey Plover , Mediterranean Gull ... Et d'espèces hivernantes telles que Northern Shoveler , Northern Pintail , Eurasian Wigeon , Common Teal , European Golden Plover , Northern Lapwing ... Sans oublier les rapaces : Western Marsh Harrier , Osprey , Eurasian Hobby , Peregrine Falcon (en hiver).
From the N165, follow the signs. Take the direction of Séné, Séné center, then follow the direction of the nature reserve. From Vannes (5km), take the direction of Séné from the Kerino tunnel and follow the signs. Parking suitable for all types of vehicle. No dogs allowed. The nature reserve is accessible on foot only on one part with paid trails (on the left side of the map, entrance fee 5 euro) and one part with free trails (on the right side of the map). You can get all the information at the Nature Visitor Center and on the website (see the link below).
Français: Depuis la N165, suivre la signalétique. Prendre la direction de Séné, Séné centre, puis suivre la direction réserve naturelle. Depuis Vannes (à 5km), prendre la directiion de Séné depuis le tunnel de Kerino et suivre la signalétique. Parking adapté à tous types de véhicule. Chiens interdits. La réserve naturelle est accessible à pied uniquement sur un sentier payant et un sentier gratuit. Vous aurez tous les renseignements au Centre nature et sur le site internet.
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