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A salt marsh area very rich in (breeding) birdlife in mainly spring. During the winter, the area is prohibited.
A small salt marsh area of about ten hectares on private land, but full of breeding birds during spring. Common species are Common Tern with about 200 pairs, 50 pairs of Avocet, 20 pairs of Black-winged Stilt, Little Ringed Plover, Common Ringed Plover and many more. Birds tend to be easy to observe and photograph. The area is on private land, but access is free and regulated.
Français: Zone de marais salant exploité et très riche en espèces d'oiseaux nicheurs en période de printemps , hivers interdit d'accès.
Dans ce petit espace de dix hectares nichent plus de 200 couples de Common Tern, 50 cple de Avocet, 20 cple de Black-winged Stilt, des Little Ringed Plover , Common Ringed Plover, etc facile à observer et à photographier. Zone privée , accès gratuit mais réglementé.
It's possible to come to Kerbodec (800 m from Sarzeau 56) by car (parking in the hamlet) then take the GR34 on foot or by bike and then the visit is done on foot.
Français: Il est possible de venir jusqu'à Kerbodec ( à 800 m de Sarzeau 56) en voiture ( parking au hameau ) puis prendre le gr 34 à pied ou à vélo et ensuite la visite se fait à pied.
Dogs are present, but are on leash and are well behaved.
Français: Chiens tenus en laisse et rester discrets.
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