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A vismig (visible migration) watchpoint for raptors during migration.
If the winds are right, there's a very good chance of seeing multiple species of migrating raptors like Short-toed Snake Eagle, Egyptian Vulture, Booted Eagle, Black Kite and European Honey-buzzard from here. Everything depends on the winds. During Spring this spot is best in Southerlies but can also be good during other winds. On occassion, in Westerlies, the birds will be crossing further East at Punta Carnero.
Most people drive down from a turn off on the N-340 coming from Tarifa. It's the second right coming from the town. A road winds up and down for a couple of kilometres to reach this spot. Once there, you can stand, sit, or walk around a little but most people seem to stand in a fixed position to watch.
You can also walk from a track by the shore near to Tarifa Castle at the Eastern edge of the town.
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